“When I did the Center Stage Exercise… I programmed for a new job where I was the boss."
"I saw myself writing checks with my feet up on the desk because that’s what bosses do!"
A.B. could barely contain himself! He had finally found something that worked!
He went on to say ...
"And I saw myself driving a new luxury automobile! This had been my dream for YEARS!"
Now he was excited ...
"I WANTED that car! I had scrimped and saved but then something always went wrong at the last minute and I had to spend the money for other things. I was just about ready to settle for less when Center Stage came along!"
Breathless, he finished his incredible update ...
"It’s ALL coming true, I have EVERYTHING that I programmed for!”
Needless to say, A.B. became an advocate for Burt Goldman’s seminars!
In fact, he brought in over 40 people over the course over time! He did not get paid to bring them in. He brought them in because he knew that Center Stage works!
It wasn't "triple crazy". It was triple FANTASTIC!
You see, it worked for him, the chief of all skeptics!
He knew it would work for his friends.
And I know Center Stage will work for you too.
In fact, I will even help you make it work in your life!
I will be like A.B.'s friends and share with you what I know works. What I have proven works.
Hearing this story got me so excited I decided to take action and bring you a transformational event like no other.
More on that in a moment. But first, let me share ...